HAC Volunteer Hours

2023/2024 HAC Volunteer Hours System

Each family is required to earn a minimum number of ‘Hours’ by working as a volunteer in the club.  See the chart below to identify the number of Hours required based on the level of swimmer and/or number of swimmers in your household.

The success of our club and meets is highly dependent on this volunteer system, however, it is not the only way you can contribute.  If preferred, families can opt out of contributing to the volunteer program by payment of a designated fee.

Volunteer Hours Requirements

(Each hour is valued at $30.00)

*The volunteer points system will be re-evaluated mid-season.  An update will be given by January 31, 2024.


Hours Required for the Season

Dollar Value of Hours

Jr. Competitive Bronze & Silver



Jr. Competitive Gold



Level 1



Level 2



Level 3



Level 4 & up



*Second child is half the volunteer hours to a maximum of 48 Hours per family.  There are no volunteer hour requirements for a third child.

How to earn Volunteer Hours?

HAC Leadership

Board of Directors

32 Hours

Committee Member (non-board member)

  • Meet Management
  • Finance 
  • Equipment 
  • Technology 
  • Banquet

12 Hours

Group Representative

8 Hours


Officials Certification

Level 1 Certification Courses (Timer, Strokes & Turns, safely marshal, clerk of course)

1 hour per course


Swim Meet Management & Officiating

Competitive Meet Manager

24 Hours per Meet

Jr. Competitive Meet Manager

24 -32 Hours per Season (6 hours per meet)

Swim Meet Food Coordinator (Comp Meets)

12 Hours

Club Officials Coordinator (Full Season)

32 Hours

Meet Officials Coordinator 

4 Hours (4 hours per Jr. Comp Meet/4 hour per Comp Session)


4 Hours per Session


4 Hours per Session

Safety Marshal

2 Hour per Session

Stroke & Turn

4 Hours per Session

Clerk of Course

4 Hours per Session


6 Hours per Session

Chief Timer

6 Hours per Session

Chief Finish Judge

6 Hours per Session


6 Hours per Session

Senior Official (Level 3 & Higher)

6 Hours per Session


Community Participation

Annual General Meeting

2 Hours per family

Swim-A-Thon Volunteer

2 Hours per family

Community Events Volunteer 

(as needed through the season)

  • HAC Gear Day
  • HAC Beach Day

4 hours per event

Competitive Photographer

4 hours per meet

Jr. Competitive Photographer

4 hours per meet

Video/GoPro Volunteer 1 hour per hour worked