About Us
  • Established in 1932 The Hamilton Aquatic Club (HAC) has been a part of the sport of swimming in Canada for a very long time. In fact, we are the second oldest club in Canada. We and all Hamiltonian’s can be proud of this history. However, it is our cutting edge program of today, our commitment to strive and improve continuously that makes us one of the premier swim clubs in Hamilton, Ontario and Canada today.
  • We are a non-profit competitive swim club run by parent volunteers. Our focus and priority is on the children and youth working to be the best they can be. As such, our mission is to provide the best environment for each swimmer to develop and reach their maximum potential.
  • One of the ways we do this, is by hiring professional, qualified swim coaches. Our coaches play a key role in developing and maintaining our excellent programming. 
  • Another aspect we focus on is the social-emotional development of our swimmers. One of the greatest benefits of swimming are the life skills taught and learned. Perseverance, strategy, goal setting, as well as friendship and camaraderie are but a few of these. We provide a variety of team building and social events, training structures, parent participation, coaches and community partners that contribute to the development of the whole person.
  • We are proud of our record of swimmers, both in and out of the pool – and are continuously achieving tremendous results.


PO Box 33568
Hamilton, ON L8P 4X4